Who can be a Responsible Person (RP)?

by | Sep 29, 2017 | Blog, Consultancy, GDP/RP, Good Distribution Practice - GDP, MHRA, RP, Training

The European GDP Guideline of 5 November 2013 requires that wholesale distributors have to appoint a Responsible Person (RP) for GDP. The RP is responsible for safeguarding product users against potential hazards arising from poor distribution practices.

According to the guideline “RP should meet the qualifications and conditions provided”. In the UK this means the RP should have personal knowledge of the products traded under the licence and the conditions necessary for their safe storage and distribution. The RP should have access to all areas, sites, stores and records which relate to the licensable activities and regularly monitor and review all those areas. Qualification requirements is not as strict as in other countries, pharmacy degree is desirable but not necessary as long as the RP can demonstrate at least 1 year experience in medicinal products distribution.

PCL  organising a monthly training course on (GDP) Good Distribution Practices (full day) for new/existing RP or team members to learn about the requirements, also RPs can attend RP refresher (half day) courses where they can learn more about role and responsibilities of the RP and can get latest feedbacks from inspections and MHRA requirements .


I found the course on Training to be a responsible person to be a very well thought and structured course which gave me the roles and resources to come away understanding the training given. It was very informative, topical and saved me time and money trying to wade through a minefield of work to become a responsible person – Jackie is highly qualified and delivers an excellent course, would highly recommend to anyone looking at wholesaling.
Chapelle RaoulStowhealth